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Thursday, April 25, 2013

Poker League Season 9 Game 7 Results!

So, another regular season of Poker League is in the books and I fell a little short of my desired 80 points with my most recent 2nd place.  I'm actually pretty happy with my season, though.  Poker is about making money and nobody did that as well as I have, or even close this season.  I won $65 this game($50 profit) to add to my $450 for the rest of the season.  I've played 7 games with at least 10 players each game and I've gotten top 3 all but one(paid).  Week 3 my A-8 failed to beat out an all-in call with QJsuited that knocked me out early.  This past game, I was never really in a spot to win the game from about 4-5 players on, though I figured the longer I survived the better chance I had.  I suppose anytime I can get heads up I have a decent chance to win it.  I don't think I was prepared for the large blinds at the time and made a few small mistakes that with such small stacks compared to the blinds, end up magnified.  All in all, I made a few good folds, a few nice plays in some good spots, but the top 5 was really all about survival this game.  I think the top 4 lasted the longest a money-bubble has all season but I'll have to analyze the game first to determine the truth in that.  Here are the final standings.  Unfortunately Ashley made final table and got 6 points and while it doesn't look like she boosted herself all that much from 8000 to 8500, she really hurt everyone else's stacks in the process.  Prior to her 6 points I could've had over 50K with my points and everyone else's stacks suffered, too.  So while it might look like she only gained 500 chips for 6 points, she really kept the gap between her and the other players a lot smaller than they would've been.

Here are the final standings for Poker League Season 9:

PlayerWeek 1Week 2Week 3Week 4Week 5Week 6Week 7BonusDrop TotalChip Total
Chivers1091086124 5527,500
Jake9106541014 5427,000
Jon76861459 5025,000
Sean02111010611 5025,000
Terri114970710 4824,000
Craig12814705 3718,500
Ashley4520006 178,500
Steve6370000 168,000

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