Play Where the Pros Play!!

Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Poker League Season 9 Week 5 Results!

I'm still in first, but there's a lot of jockeying to do from pretty much 2nd on down.  And I'm not totally uncatchable if I'm not careful...
Player Week 1 Week 2 Week 3 Week 4 Week 5 Total Points Dropped Total
Fred14 14 3 11 12 54 51
Chris 2 7 12 14 8 43 41
Jaime8 11 5 9 9 44 39
Shae5 1 14 12 5 39 38
Chivers10 9 10 8 6 43 37
Jon7 6 8 6 14 41 35
Sean0 2 11 10 10 33 33
Heck3 12 4 3 11 34 31
Craig12 8 1 4 7 32 31
Terri11 4 9 7 0 31 31
Jake9 10 6 5 4 34 30
Steve6 3 7 0 0 16 16
Ashley4 5 2 0 0 11 11

There's only a 9 point difference between 2nd and 11th place, almost a point a place.  This weekend should start to seperate the final table stacks.
Hopefully I can increase my lead and stack this weekend!

Player Dropped Total Dropped Chip Total
Fred 51 37,091
Chris 41 29,818
Jaime 39 28,364
Shae 38 27,636
Chivers 37 26,909
Jon 35 25,455
Sean 33 24,000
Heck 31 22,545
Craig 31 22,545
Terri 31 22,545
Jake 30 21,818
Steve 16 11,636
Ashley 11 8,000

1 comment:

  1. Sorry I can't make it this week, Fred. I might be in Kentucky, but my horrible variance is finally going to make it over to you. I'm thinking DeJo probably wins, beating Shark Bite heads up. Let me know how it plays out, dude!
